Breakfast was two nectarines and a small coffee with light cream and stevia. After breakfast I started experimenting with a pumpkin spice syrup recipe. I can't wait to post it on here!
I ate a late lunch of this awesome sausage, sweet potato, and chicken bake, which I'll be posting soon, too. It was so good but really filling!
I had a large iced coffee with this homemade pumpkin spice syrup 'test batch' I made in the morning as a snack. I only made a small amount but I'm going to the store to buy more bottles and cheesecloth because it is AMAZING!
A couple hours after my coffee I had a 60 minute spinning class. When I got back I watched Sesame Street with Riley and then made a salad with iceberg lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, and vinegar. I also ate a bunch of watermelon. I may or may not have stolen three pepperoni slices from my mom's pizza...
After I got Riley ready for bed and she was 'asleep' I drank a huge glass of Diet Coke, more watermelon, and some homestyle popcorn. I have a weakness for Diet Coke. That should be one of my goals - stop the D.C. I try to drink cold green tea with Stevia as an alternative. Sometimes.
1 Response to What I Ate Wednesday
Looks like a good day of pretty healthy eating. Way to go with the spin class too. :)
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